Seizures in Pets

A seizure is uncontrolled activity in the brain that can cause a variety of signs. The most common ones include stiffening or falling over, paddling of legs, and shaking. The pet may pass urine or stool or salivate.  Some dogs, but not cats, will...

Kidney Disease

As our pets are living longer and longer, there is a slow but steady loss of kidney function in all pets. Kidney disease is something that every pet parent will experience if your pets live long enough and don’t succumb to another illness or...

Liver Disease

Our pets, just like us, have many different organs that make up their bodies. All are important and work together to keep your dog or cat healthy. After the brain and heart, the liver is arguably the most important organ in the body. It is...

Diabetes in Pets

Your pet’s body uses glucose (sugar) as its main source of energy. If your pet has diabetes it can’t use glucose the way it should. Diabetes mellitus is the full name of the disease. There is another disease called diabetes insipidus. It is...

Asthma in Pets

It may come as a surprise, but our pets can be just as likely to develop asthma as  humans, although the condition affects cats more often than dogs. Asthma is a condition that develops as a result of chronic inflammation in the small bronchioles...

Ear Infections

The ear canal in pets has a vertical portion that goes straight down. It then curves toward the head and has a horizontal part. The eardrum is at the end of the horizontal part.

Infections by bacteria and yeast are the most common ear problems...


Hyperthyroidism, overactive thyroid glands, is a common condition among cats, particularly those eight years old or older, but is very rare in dogs unless they are receiving too much medication for hypothyroidism (low thyroid).


Cats have two...

Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s disease, also called hyperadrenocorticism, is when your pet’s adrenal glands or pituitary produce too many corticosteroids. These hormones, specifically cortisol and cortisone, affect the function of many different organs within...
