
Firefighters Rescue Dog Stuck in Tree

You read that title correctly. Police and firefighters in Port Orange, Florida fought to save a dog stuck in a tree last Friday. Not a cat; a dog!

When a dog owner was walking by with their own pet, they heard the stranded pup whimpering and saw her stuck in the base of the tree, entagled in the roots. The dog owner called authorities, and ultimately a skilled team showed up to rescue the pup.

The rescue wasn't a simple process. Local veterinarian Dr. Katie Malensek sedated the dog so the responders could use chain saws, winches, and even the Jaws of Life to rescue the terrified animal.

Fortunately, the dog had a name and a home with owners who were missing her terribly. Sailor is now resting and recovering with her family, who will undoubtedly chuckle over the irony of a dog stuck in a tree some day now that she's safe, healthy, and unharmed from the ordeal!

For pictures and more information about this story, please visit the Orlando Sentinel for the original story and photo gallery.

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